Wednesday, March 24, 2010


" 'Hail, Full-of-Grace! The Lord is with you!'...And Mary was greatly disturbed at the saying."

Are you disturbed at this saying? If you're like me, you pray the Rosary every day. Does that opening line disturb you? No, why should it? Well, it's happened to to me before to receive some honor or recognition and feel a little uncomfortable because I felt unworthy, haven't you? I bet you have. Is that what this is? Hmm, I don't think so.

I think this is like one of those moments where somebody comes to you all cheery and you realize, "Uh-oh. He's gonna ask me for something. What's it going to be now?" You know why? Because the name or title full-of-grace is not just "Hey guess what? You're immaculately conceived!" Yes, that's true, but God NEVER gives grace without expecting something in return. And if you're full of grace, if that's your identity, then A LOT is going to be expected of you.

Here comes the scary part: In Baptism you too were filled with grace. A lot is expected of you, isn't it? I mean, you are called to be a saint. You are called to give your whole life to God, and then as you receive His own Life, you're called to give that Life to others. That's a pretty tall order. It's also the only reason we have for getting up in the morning, ok? Right! Drink in God's goodness today. Enjoy some time with the Incarnate Love of God, Jesus Christ. Relax, take a deep breath, and let the Spirit fill you up. Then go out there and rock the world! Happy Feast of the Incarnation! We'll see you tomorrow.

God bless,
Live from your heart,


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