Sunday, March 28, 2010


"If these were silent, the stones themselves would cry out..."

Imagine it. An early morning run to St. Peter's to get that perfect spot. In the midst of thousands of young people at St. Peter's. We cry out, "Benedetto..." "Viva il Papa--Viva!" We sing. We have a blast, AND it is one of the most beautiful days we've ever seen in Rome. The Church is alive. She is strong. She is growing all the time. And we are blessed to be a part of her. How awesome is that? (I know, ridiculously awesome, right?) Let's rejoice that we belong to Jesus' One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church today. That's it, just rejoice. The King is coming--Oops! He's here. Let's go to him before the stones take all the good spots.

God bless,
Live from your heart,

PS. Today my brother Vince's parents celebrate 29 years of marriage: Congrats and God bless to Randy and Debbie...

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