Thursday, April 1, 2010


"I have given you an example..."

I heard once that "Every life is either a warning or an example." I believe it. And if we look around we see some major warnings, don't we? You better believe it. And as I got to thinking about this today, I asked myself, "What's the dirtiest sin out there? What's the worst thing a person can do?" And at first my brain went, "Sex!" but then I said, "Is that right?" And my brain went back to Dante's Inferno, ok, I'm weird, I know. And I remembered Dante put sexual sins at the apex of hell, that is in the best place, closest to heaven. If I remember right the top 3 were sex, power, money. It was like God was saying: "Hey, at least you like my stuff!"

No, the worst sin, the most life-draining level of hell, dark, stifling, cold, a waterless wasteland, actually a lonely ice lake, the place most abandoned by God is saved for the betrayers, those who have totally shut love out of their lives. That's not a place any of us wants to be. Be warned.

Now, what I want to know is, "Who have been your examples?" I gotta tell you, a huge example for me has been my Aunt Marie. That lady loves like no other. It's incredible, right? And the more I watch her, the more I'm around her, the more I learn about true love. She's got it down. She is a tremendous lover, no question about it, ok?

Then there's my grandma Kallal. Now, I never met her, but I've heard enough to understand that she had become a Giver with a capital G. Desserts, hams, anything to help out the parish and those in need. And she did it all while taking care of 7 kids. Incredible lady.

How did they do it? How did Jesus do it? Well, since repetition is the mother of skill, let's go through the 3 steps again for "loving till the end":

1) Know God...
2) Toss off any obstacles (aka sins!)
3) Take massive action (start a footwashing coop)

Today you can choose to be an example ...or a warning... The choice is yours... and the destiny that comes with it... choose wisely...

God bless,
Live from your heart,


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