Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"Where do you want us to prepare, Lord, for you to eat the Passover?"

Where are you preparing? Is your house decorated? Are the Easter eggs all colored? Have you been setting up the parish? And your heart, how's your heart doing? You know, you started out Lent with some concrete resolutions: Pray, Fast, Give alms. How's that going? You've connected more with God, right? You're more free from sin, aren't you? And I'll bet you've become more generous with your money, time, and talent too, huh? What? Not yet?

Hey, there's still time. This is the time for intense preparation. Forget about the past. Let's just get clear and get focused, ok? Yeah, it's easy:

1) Connect with God: Well, let's just give it a time and a place ok? When would be good? First thing in the morning? Late at night? Middle of the day? Right after work or school? While you're driving somewhere? Hey, just pick when and where works for you, and keep it simple, ok? What if all you did was thank God for all the great stuff in your life, the fact that you are alive, all the people who love you? Wouldn't that be a major step up? I bet it could be. What if you took a little walk in nature, or a mini-pilgrimage on foot to your parish (if that's not like 10 miles away, ok?). Connect with God. That's a start.

2) Get free of sin: Yeah, ok, so what is it? What is it that you do on a regular basis to drive people crazy? Yeah, I know, it stinks to think about doesn't it? Time to get it out of here. Get free. Look just answer a few questions: What is this behavior costing me: physically, financially, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, in my relationships? What is it costing my loved ones? What will it cost me and them 5 years from now? 10 years from now if I don't change now? On the other hand, what would I gain if I changed right now? What about my loved ones? How would that make me feel? Hmm, ok, let's get free.

3) Generosity: Who's got it worse than me? Who could I go out and help right now, today? What could I do for them? How would that make me feel? (Pretty awesome, I'll bet!) Ok, well, go out there and do it... today.

That's how we prepare for Easter: Connect with God, get free of sin, be generous. Are you prepared yet? Get ready. He's here...

God bless,
Live from your heart,


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